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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Where U At?

Ooookay, we're wrapping up our week o' tripods!
You should have accomplished the following:

Oral Tripod Test with Ms. T (22 points)
Field Test with partner (10 points)
Written Tripod Test (22 points)

At this point, we are NO LONGER spending class time to finish these assignments. You MUST come at lunch or after school by next Tuesday to make up any grades you're missing, or you'll get a Zero and get ZAPped!

Reading: "Microphones", pg. 305-306
On a separate sheet of paper, define the following: (worth 6 bonus points if turned in Friday!)
Pickup pattern

This weekend, go home and watch the YouTube training videos on the blog! Learn about shotgun mics and boom poles. Impress your friends and family!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

watch me!


STEP 1: Watch the video, "Attaching Camera to Tripod" first. PRACTICE in class.

After you have your ID and Agenda complete and ready, go to the next step.

You and your partner will take a camera and tripod out to the commons area between the sophomore buildings (to the south of our classroom), and EACH of you must complete your own sequence of the following shots for an individual grade. (10 points total per person.)
Make sure you say your name and the shot type when you begin recording.

Pan Shot
Tilt Shot
Camera Superior
Camera Inferior
Combo Pan/Tilt Shot

Can't remember what some of these shots are? Look in your textbook, pgs. 85-90!!!

The camera MUST be mounted to the tripod at all times!!! You'll be graded on the stability of your shots (8 pts) and proper use of the tripod (2pts).

Monday, January 11, 2010


A couple of important policy announcements:

1. Bathroom Pass--You must sign out on the bathroom pass log sheet (on right side board) next to your name---write today's date before you get the vest to leave. I'll be turning this in every week to the office, as per Mrs. Griego's request.

2. Gum in the Classroom--If you are caught with gum in our lab, you have automatic lunch detention with me. No exceptions. This room is not your personal trash can.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

You can watch this tour as many times as you need to, as you're learning parts of the tripod. As a courtesy to others, please use headphones.
Here's a helpful hint: Keep your tripod pre-test handy to take notes; it's your study guide, after all!