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Friday, May 3, 2013

AMAZING Opportunity

NPR Radio Diaries and Cowbird are looking for teenagers with interesting stories to tell.
Want to submit your story?
 Click here:
Tell Your Story

Summer School Registration is Open!

APS Summer School

Thursday, May 2, 2013

5th Period Thursday May 2nd

Some storyboards still have not been turned in.  Those people will receive a Zero for the assignment.

Today's the last day to check out equipment and film your "How To" video.

Raw footage is due tomorrow for 20 points.  You will edit tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 8th, we'll upload your video to YouTube and the AHA Vimeo Channel.

TODAY we start on the Introduction for your Final Portfolio.  This will be the first thing someone sees when they "Play" your Portfolio movie.

To get started, answer the following questions in Microsoft Word.  Print and submit when done.

Step 1:  Complete a written response (in Word) to the questions below.  Save on your Desktop.
  • Introduce yourself, and the class you're in.
  • Tell us about your experiences in Film 2 class this year.
  • What jobs have you performed this year?
  • Can you explain some of the responsibilities you've held this year?
  • Talk a little bit about some of the technical skills you've learned this year?  (This should focus on equipment, techniques, processes.)
  • Can you describe some of the professional skills you've learned this year?  (This should focus on skills, job performance, concepts and principles you've learned.)
  • What benefit will this class have on your future?
Answer these questions on a Word file, for later use in a one- to two-page scripted introduction.  You'll base your introduction on your answers.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wed., May 1st

Check out the world's smallest StopMotion film EVER....made with atoms!
A Boy and His Atom 

MayDay! MayDay!  5th pd storyboard grades were lost!  I'll call out names today for people who need to show me their graded storyboards.

Periods 3 & 7:  More Presentations today, and Genre notes, followed by a TYPED step-by-step list of directions for your "How-To" video.   Period 7 has to complete their Storyboards today, too, since you have 3 Presentations on Friday.  Sign up on the calendar to take equipment home to film your project.  Raw footage for "How-To" is due next Thursday, May 9th (yep, that's an "A" Day!!!)

Period 5: Shooting exteriors with Amanda for Beautiful Rose today, and putting all of this year's work on your computer, in order to start working on the Portfolio.  Footage for your "How-To" video is DUE when you walk in on Friday.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Summer Opportunity: Abq Film & Media Experience

The first cohort of the AFME Youth Program starts this summer, June 3rd through 9th, and is designed specifically for aspiring young filmmakers who would like to gain experience and knowledge about the film industry, business and community involvement.  And it's FREE!

Applications are due this Wednesday, May1st ----  they're really easy, I looked ---- and can be downloaded from my website:

AFME Youth Filmmakers Program Application

Monday, April 29th

Hey Everybody!  Please make sure you have completed the 5-point StopMo Self Assessment and Peer Critique assignments  (look to the right column of the blog), because I'm deleting those tomorrow to make room for your Final Portfolio assignment.  Julian, Devon, Fernando & Mariah!!!

Periods 3 & 7: We'll spend the first half of class on Presentations, and the second half looking at examples of "How To" videos, playing a few fun rounds of Round Robin, and coming up with ideas for your project.  You'll need to decide on an idea before Wednesday.  Pd. 7: Liz and Devon, see me about your Final Portfolio!

Period 5: Some of you are scheduled to check out equipment today; please check the calendar.  Those who have not signed up are at risk of failing the project (and, by extension, the 6-week grading period); please check in with me today.  Raw footage is DUE on your computer by Friday (May 3rd).

We're shooting some insert shots for Beautiful Rose this week;  please be here every day!