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Friday, April 15, 2011

Film 3

Today I'd like to talk with you about Film Prod. 3. I understand that many students dropped the class after talking with the counselor last week; it's important to understand that the schedule isn't set, and we're trying to move those classes into earlier slots.

For those seniors interested in TV Broadcasting, we're creating a special section of Film 3 to work with the TV class (which is mostly upcoming juniors), so we'd need to sign you up for Film 3.

Next Year's Seniors

Internship Application and Info:

Every Senior doing an internship must complete this. I have the master list of those who are eligible for an internship. See me ASAP.

Monday, April 11, 2011

DDYFF Deadline today.

This is it....time to submit both your DVD and signed paperwork for 75 points. You will not be allowed to make up this grade if you fail to submit a project for the festival.
Make sure DVD is labeled with the Project Title and your name(s).

I will be calling you up individually to check off your submission, including DVD and paperwork.