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Sunday, August 24, 2014

DFP2: Time Capsule Video Postcard

Your first recording assignment is short and fun.  You must create a 1- to 2-minute "Video Postcard" to your future self.  After submission, your video will be locked away for 7 whole months while you continue to learn amazing things in this class.  You'll have the chance to view the video again near the end of the school year.'s what you need to do:

Using a camera, tripod and microphone, record a message to yourself about what you hope you have learned and accomplished by the time you're viewing the Postcard in May of 2015.  Include at least two skills you'd like to develop, what you hope you have created and accomplished, and any other relevant information.

And here's what I'll be looking for as I watch and grade your Postcard:
  • Stable, high-quality camera work:  20 points.  Use of a tripod is evident.  Exposure and white balance are appropriate for the scene, and the subject is well lit and easy to see.  
  • Proper use of audio equipment: 20 points.  Create a narrative that is easy to hear (not too soft, not too loud), with minimal background noise.
  • Professional presentation of information: 10 points.  Highlights your ability to communicate ideas clearly.  No rambling "uhhhh....i dunno...sooo...uhh, yeah, I guess that's it."-style of unfocused speech.  Rehearsal and preparation should be obvious.
  • Creativity: 10 points.  Use of Rule of Thirds and composition theory is evident.  Shots should be planned out, and demonstrate creative use of the camera and subject.  DO NOT create one long, static MS with subject in the center!  Have Fun, and create something interesting (and school-appropriate) to watch and listen to.
  • Editing: 10 points.  All "extra" material has been trimmed from clips to create a tightly structured Postcard statement.  No awkward Jump Cuts or cut-off statements.  Bonus Points for intercutting different camera angles and shot types!!
  • Titling: 5 points.  Create a 5-second title over black at the beginning of the Postcard with your Name, Class Period, and the Date clearly legible.  Spell-check your work.

Your Video Postcard is due as a Quick-Time file on my External Hard Drive on Tuesday Sept. 2nd (Pd. 2) or Wednesday Sept. 3rd (Pd. 3).  You may record at home or during class time.