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Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, Feb. 14th

Period 3:  Today you'll complete a written reflection on your "Job Swap" experience.
Open a new file in Word, start with your Full Name and Period 3, and answer the following questions.
Please number your responses so that I can easily see that you have addressed all items.
Use complete sentences, and run the "Spelling and Grammar Check" before printing.
Print and turn in when finished.

  1. What job did you perform this week?  What were your duties/responsibilities?
  2. List at least one thing that you learned while performing this job, that is specific to this job, that you didn't know how to do, or understand, before this week.
  3. How did this job challenge you?
  4. If you could go back and redo this "Swap" experience, what would you do differently?
  5. What would you suggest I do differently the next time we "Swap"?  What would help you to be successful?

Period 4: Today is a Production day for the class.  If possible, we'll shoot Scene 2.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Do something that means something.

Next Tuesday, I'll be stuck at an all-day teacher training.  YUCK. 
YOU, on the other hand, could show up for something really meaningful, that can help make a difference in your peers' lives.

Borrow a camera, document the event, do interviews----I'll give you extra credit that replaces any missing grades.  The usual Production Rubric would apply.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thursday, Feb. 13th 4th Pd.

Hiya.  So you know I'm gone today.  Mr. House has graciously agreed to come aaalllllllll the way over here from his graphics lab in C Hall to hang out with you so you don't have some weird anonymous substitute. 
Mr. House is a longtime friend and colleague and he's doing this as a personal favor to me.  Treat him with the utmost respect; I will take it very personally if things go badly.  House is an awesome guy; please treat him that way.

Besides, you get to have FUN!  You'll watch a DVD about Slapstick and Screwball Comedy!
You do have to complete the Handout today, in your own words ---no copying from your neighbors--and turn it in today.  But at least it has The 3 Stooges and Jim Carrey!

Wed, Feb. 12th

Last day of the party scene!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, Feb. 10th

Good morning!  If you were absent on Friday, pick up a copy of the assignment from me this morning, complete during class, and hand in before you leave.

This week we SWITCH JOBS!  I hope this will be a fun, challenging learning experience for you.

Remember, each day is worth 10 points (twice the usual) because it's more work for you to do your new job.  Ask for help if you need it.

We'll continue with production according to schedule.