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Saturday, May 22, 2010

DVD Portfolio due today! (Mon. 5/24)

You must turn in your DVD Portfolio (200 points---2/3 of your FINAL EXAM!) by 3:00 pm today (Monday, 5/24). It will take you nearly the ENTIRE CLASS PERIOD TO BURN THE DVD, so get going!

Once you've burned the DVD, label it with the following:
Your Name
Class period
"Final Portfolio"
May 2010

I am hosting an open lab at lunch and staying after school.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Missing Textbooks--HELP!

Folks, we've got more than a few textbooks missing, and if I don't get them turned in to the Bookroom Clerk by Monday, I will personally be fined over $300 for these missing books.
Please, if you borrowed a textbook without telling me, please please bring it back---I cannot afford to pay these fines!

Accuplacer Saturday 5/22

You know who you are---those students who've returned the signed Parent Form and/or called home to remind parents:

Show up tomorrow morning at 9:45 here in E111 to be sure you'll get a seat; we've booked more kids than computers, and you don't want to be stuck in the lab upstairs (eeeewwwww).

You should complete the Accuplacer by Noon; plan on getting a ride home around that time. You may bring your cell phone to contact a parent, but MAY NOT have it out during testing.

Get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast--you need to feed your brain!

Freak-Out Friday

Your Handy-Dandy "TO DO" List:

1. Finish building your Final Portfolio and Save work. Have me check it.
2. Help your team complete a FINAL CUT of your film--TODAY!
3. Compress and Export a QuickTime version of the Final Cut of your Team's project to a Hard Drive so that ALL team members can put the movie on their iDVD Project.
4. Burn your DVD! Due Monday--no late portfolios accepted! This is 2/3 of your Final Exam!!!
5. Make sure you've performed your "End of Shoot" Duties. (Part of your grade.)

I will be hosting an Open Lab at lunch today, and after school. I suggest you use this extra time to finish your work. Good Luck!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Make a movie this summer!

Got this email from the City Film opportunity EVER~!

Check out the link to the 48 Hour Film Festival Website on the "Useful Links" bar--lower right corner of the Blog.
View As Web Page

Are you READY to Join…

The Guerrilla Film Squad?

Are you an Albuquerque Teen…
…with a desire to learn about filmmaking?

Picture (Metafile)


Warehouse 508 is looking to form teams of talented teens to participate in this summers…

Picture (Metafile)

The 48 Hour Film Project is an International film competition.
It will take place in Albuquerque, July 9-11th.

If you are interested please contact Darryl at,

Boot camp will begin soon…

End-Of-Shoot Duties

Each team member will use their free time (waiting to edit, portfolio is finished, etc.) to help "wrap" shooting by inspecting equipment, taking inventory, redistributing props, etc.
You must spend at least one day on this assignment.

Director: Finish final edit (combo A/B Reels onto A Reel computer)
Script Supervisor (1st pd only): Supervise editing to create a seamless final movie
1st AD-Clean the Slate, throw away chalk, recycle paper from folder; save samples as needed (Interrogation, WhoDunnit, Infected Air, Game Show); lead team in final written reflection
DP: Erase all footage on Hard Drive and SD Card
Camera Handler: Erase footage on extra SD Cards
Key Grip: Rearrange lighting equipment (tidy cabinets, repack flag kits, etc.)
Gaffer: Inventory lights--which ones need bulbs and/or repairs?
Sound: Check all mic bags, re-wrap cables and headphones; Number mics according to Bag #
Makeup: Clean out makeup kits, travel bags and reorganize cabinet. Throw away any liquids that are empty or almost empty. Tighten/secure lids on all remaining makeup. Sanitize all brushes with alcohol!
Set/Props: Empty props cabinets--send props home or add to Donation Box (see me 1st)
Talent: Number all Tripods according to Bag #.
PA: Take recycling, remove poster boards, tidy counters; other duties as needed.

Building your DVD Portfolio in iDVD

We'll begin building your Final Portfolio DVD today. Once you have all of your projects on one computer, copy and paste this URL into Safari:

Follow the directions to drag-and-drop movies into your project.
You'll customize the Theme, fill in Drop Zones with pics or movies, and Save the Project.

Once your 5-minute movie is edited, you'll add that to the project and burn the disc.