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Thursday, April 10, 2014

17-point Grade: Edited Project

By the end of class on Friday, you must complete the following and have me "check off" your work, for a total of 17 points:
  • A complete Sequence with all scenes, including a minimum of 3 "B" roll shots on Video 2 (7 points)
  • At least one Cropped scene (3 points)
  • Level Audio throughout the project (within 3 dB of -12), with at least one use of the "pinning/ducking" feature  (7 points)

The clock is ticking!   It's the Final Countdown!!!
The Final Countdown

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Opportunity for Makeup Artist

If you're interested in becoming a Makeup Artist for Film, TV and Theater, and wish to build your portfolio, check out this opportunity sent to me via email:

Hi Diane,
I am a former teacher at AHA (now I'm at West Mesa). I attend Calvary Southwest Church at Bridge and Goff and we are having a Good Friday Play about the Passion of Christ. Would any student makeup artists be interested in helping us with specialty makeup, such as laceration, bruises, etc? They could photograph it for their portfolios, plus I'm sure we could treat them to pizza, burgers, etc.
We are having two shows on Friday the 18th, at 5:30 and 8:30. The students would probably have to stay all evening, because we would need to apply and re-apply the Jesus makeup. It would also be great if they would be available for a dress rehearsal.
As I said, the church is at Bridge and Goff, so isn't that far away from AHA.
Please let me know!
Kim Clarke
If you're interested in this opportunity, let me know asap. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Week of April 7th

Make sure you have already completed the following:

  • Check to make sure you have all footage in A and B Bins (see screen shots on the blog).
  • Build your Sequence on Video Channel 1, scene by scene, on the Timeline using only "A" Roll footage.
  • Learn how to use the "Crop" and "Fit" features in Premiere.
  • Learn how to add video to Video Channels 2 and 3 using "B" Roll clips.
This week, we will cover:
  • Learn how to "Unlink" Video and Audio, and delete audio tracks.
  • Execute Audio Adjustments (watch the tutorial on )
  • Fine tune your edited "rough cut" with Foley, ADR and SFX.