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Friday, March 27, 2015

Film 2 Project due today: 25 points

Hi there, and happy almost-Spring-Break!  Today you'll submit an .mov or .mp4 file of your completed project, which must include (5 pts each):

  • Title
  • A smoothly edited sequence with no jump cuts or excess footage
  • A soundtrack (don't let it overpower any dialogue you may have, Pd. 2!)
  • Must include hours & location of Munch Box!
  • Must include footage from 2 teams
  • Title and credits
  • Must include Special Effect from Adobe After Effects!
  • A sountrack
  • Must not exceed 3 minutes
  • Must include Camera and Cell Phone footage
NAME your file after your team, no spaces or symbols, EXPORT to the Desktop, and then UPLOAD to my Google Drive Folder:  DFP2 Project Folder

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Period 2 Editing

Sooooo....lots of terrific footage from yesterday's shoot!  IN FACT...we have SO MUCH good footage, we can't possibly make just 1 commercial.  Instead, we're gonna make 3!!!
That's right, you're going to join forces with another team to edit your footage together into one 30-second commercial!  3 teams of people will do this.  Each commercial will have a slightly different "flavor"  (ha ha ha) and style to it, which is what we want.  The client is thrilled with this idea, so we're going to pursue it.

Here's how this will work:
  1. Put your best edited clips on the timeline.  NOTHING more than 4 seconds long.
  2. We will rotate and view each team's footage; take notes on what you see.
  3. Talk with your teammate about which project is most compatible with yours, and why.  Declare at least 2 reasons why your footage and theirs would compliment each other in a commercial.
  4. Combinations will be decided today, and teams will combine their footage by exporting one iMovie timeline project as an .mov file and copying it to the other team's project.
  5. The combined team of 4 people will then complete the edited clips, add in a soundtrack and credits, and submit the commercial by the end of the class period on Friday.

Period 3 "Water" Project

Today, you finish editing your short project, add in the soundtrack, and cross-check all project requirements.  Don't forget a title slide and credits!
50 points possible:
You must:
    •  use a conventional VideoCamera AND CellPhone footage,  
    • have a soundtrack (copyright free--no copyrighted music)
    • apply at least 1 special effect using Adobe AfterEffects
    • not exceed 3 minutes
    • shoot, edit, and/or learn AfterEffects during class time.  No sitting around.
The .mov or .mp4 file is due on Friday.
Planning on being absent Friday?  Plan on receiving a 0 for the project.
I will review your project with you today during class as you edit.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Pd 2 Culinary Shoot

I am really sick and it hurts to talk.  Therefore, I need you to read this carefully.

Teams will gather equipment, test it to make sure EVERYTHING works, load their SD Card, check for ID's and Film Passes, get out your storyboard, review your plan, and then let me know when you're ready.
You will probably need an extension cord for power if your camera's dead---most of them are.

I expect that you will be your BEST professional self this morning.  Remain on-task and focused, communicate with me and your partner, SHARE the work load, and DO NOT distract Chef Young's students.  Today is a 10-point participation grade.  I will periodically check on your progress.  Shooting should take no more than 45 minutes, then we'll download and edit.