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Friday, March 14, 2014

Fri. March 14th

HAPPY PI DAY!  Hope your day is 3.14 times better than yesterday!
Lose Yourself in the Digits 
Pi Day! 
The Pi Song 

Today we'll organize all of your "good" clips into A & B Roll Bins in Premiere.

Don't forget, next week is SBA testing and Parent Conferences.  Check with me for SBA Room assignments.

DID YOU ATTEND THE CTE OPEN HOUSE ON FEB. 28th?  Please complete this short survey:

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Thursday, March 13th

1st:  College Prep Presentation (10 minutes)

Then (for those who are done with EdPuzzle):  Wrap Party! 

Congratulations!  Your team has completed the "Production" Phase (Phase 3) of filmmaking.  Before we move deeply into Post-Production (Phase 4), we'll take time out to celebrate your hard work and reflect on what you learned.

In order to join our "Wrap" party, you'll need a "Ticket".  Your "Ticket" is a written reflection that answers the questions below.  Your "Ticket" also counts for a 5-point grade.

  1. Create a new Document in Word.
  2. Read the questions below.
  3. Number your answers to the questions.  (You do not need to re-type the questions.)
  4. Your answers must be in complete sentences or I won't accept your "Ticket".
  5. Print your Written Reflection (your "Ticket" to the party) and hand in to me.  Be sure your name and Period # are on the top of your page.

Reflection Questions:
  1. How was this learning experience different from the way you learn in other classes?
  2. What was the most challenging thing you encountered during Production?
  3. What could you have done better, or differently, during Production?
  4. What could the team or class have done better, or differently, during Production?
  5. Describe what you are most proud of about our Production.
  6. Pretend you're talking to a DFP1 student.  What advice would you give them to prepare them for Production in DFP2?

Be sure to check spelling and grammar, and that you are using complete sentences, before printing.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10th

Last day of shooting for 3rd pd.