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Friday, January 29, 2010

submit! i'll pay your entry fee!

Submit a Funny Film for Alb. FoF Event: Deadline Feb 3

Friends of Film - Film Reel
Have you got a funny, laugh -out -loud short film ready for screening? Or maybe a great little story up your sleeve you could shoot this weekend on your cell phone with your grandpa, or granddaughter? Then, what are you waiting for?

Friends of Film, Video and Arts wants to see your funny, funny short flicks, 30 seconds to 15 minutes. Even a commercial, or trailer, as long as it is LOL funny for their

Third Annual Filmmaker Showcase
to be held Friday March 5, 2010 in Albuquerque, N.M.
"LOL Friends of Film Funny Film Fest "

"Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." - Victor Borge

February 3 deadline for entries. (Late entry delivered Feb 15 $20)
To learn more, and how to submit: visit


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Audio footage is due

You should have completed your audio assignment with your team, and downloaded that footage. I will grade it while you are critiquing your classmates' footage.

Absentees: If you've been absent during this week's filming, see me ASAP! You must film during class today (Friday) for a make-up grade.

Next Week: INTRO to Lighting! Wahooooo!!!

Santa Fe Trip Info

Jaguar absence forms are ready. Get them from me TODAY, and have all of your teachers sign it. These forms are due back by TUESDAY. Don't forget that your parents have to sign the 2nd page, a medical release form, with all your info. You MUST arrange for a ride home next Friday after we get back from Santa Fe (around 3:30 or 4:00).
Film Club has decided that we'll wear black pants/skirts (within dress code!) and comfy shoes for walking around all day; Ms. T is trying to find out about T-shirts with a film logo or message on them. We're bringing snacks, and lunch will probably be taken care of by the Film Union.

We're leaving at 8:00 a.m., after advisory, and return by 3:30 or 4:00 pm. Yippeeeee!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

sound test, cont'd.

Today is a verrrrry busy day! We'll record Sequences 2, 3 & 4 for your audio test today. Sequence 2 will be on the patio (think wind screen!), Sequence 3 in the new building, and Sequence 4 in a noisy concrete room in the Freshman Building. Remember what we learned about mic sensitivity and levels? You'll need to use all of your skills today to capture the best quality audio possible. Download and turn in at the end of class.

Santa Fe--I still have 4 seats left for the trip. You'll "pitch" today during work time if you've signed up to go, explaining to me why/how AHA's Film Academy is important, and what the future of the film industry in NM means to you. I'll pass out Jaguar Absence forms on Friday. Those have to be signed and returned by next Tuesday.

Monday, January 25, 2010

sound test

Your new, larger team must record the 2-person dialogue (see script sample) in 4 different situations using the boom mic setup we learned last week. Each team member must read from the script at least once, and handle the sound equipment at least once. You will be graded on the quality of the AUDIO.