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Friday, October 4, 2013

"How-To" due Wednesday, Oct. 9th

Your completed "How-To" video must be fully edited and uploaded to YouTube on Wednesday, Oct. 9th for a possible 110 points.  You will be rated on the following:
  • Quality of Audio  (Loud enough to hear but not too loud, all instructions are clearly audible, no excessive background noise)  25 points
  • Quality of Video (Variety of shot types, good composition, stable camera work, no single-shot "sprinkler" segments)25 points
  • Clarity of sequencing and instruction (steps are in order and make sense) 25 points
  • Quality of Editing (excess footage trimmed, only relevant footage included, no "jump cuts" or rough cuts between clips) 25 points
  • Title and credits included, with no errors in spelling or grammar  10 points

Follow these Steps to upload to MY YouTube account (and yours, if you have one):
Step 1:  Go to "Share---YouTube"
 Step 2:  Use my login and password to access my YouTube page; name your file; choose "Large" size; and click NEXT
 Step 3:  Publish
Step 4: Wait for video to upload.  Repeat process for YOUR YouTube channel by logging in with YOUR email and password for Step 2.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Aw. Mah. Gaw. Best Job Ever.



Synopsis:  A psychic teen tries to maintain a normal life, while waging a secret war with a sadistic serial killer, in order to save lives by influencing future events.

Production Title: Hunter’s Game

Project: SAG Web series pilot

Production Location: Albuquerque, NM

Director:  Mary Haarmeyer

Casting will take place October 7th, 8th and 9th.  Appointment only

Timeline:  A web series Pilot to be filmed on or around October 21st – November 8th.

Please email headshots and resume to:

If you have submitted to Chris Ranney already please do not submit again.

Please, bring two headshots and resumes – NO EXCEPTIONS!


Hunter Williams: (Caucasian Male) Lead role - A haunted teen, age 17-19, athletic build, black/brown hair, tall (No tattoos/piercings). Hunter is a leader to his peers and a joy to his family.  Haunted by visions of a past he was too young to prevent, Hunter hides a dark secret.  Hunter’s life is a meticulous balancing act of deception, loss, hope, fear, failure, secrets and quiet redemption.

KEIRA DALEY: (Female) A dark, secretive, teen, age 16-18, who has come to live with Alayna Sage after being removed from her violent home.  After seeing Hunter, Keira recognizes him for the gifted psychic he is and is determined to ingrain herself into his life with an agenda all her own.

MADISON ROGERS: (Caucasian Female) A beautiful, smart, strong Christian, 16-19, Madison is the light to Keira & Alayna’s dark in Hunter’s world. Madison is Hunter’s balance, his foothold with the acceptable side of life.  Though sweet, she is not perfect.

SIERRA LAWRENCE: (Female) Best friend to Madison, 16-19, and girlfriend to Noah, Sierra is a teen born in the wrong era.  Free-spirited and gypsy-like, Sierra is the one who is always throwing a wrench in the works for those around her.  Outspoken and daring, Sierra’s live-out-loud presence sometimes draws unwanted attention from the wrong people.

NOAH PARKER: (Male) A comedic dreamer and hopeless optimist, 17-19, Noah is Hunter’s best friend.  For all of Hunter’s seriousness, Noah’s happy-go-lucky attitude helps lighten Hunter’s dark and heavy emotions.  Deep down however, Noah is harboring his own demons.

TRACEY WILLIAMS: (Caucasian Female) The “got-it-all-together” wife of Ethan Williams, age 32.  Tracey is the glue that holds Ethan’s family together. Unaware of the troubled past that Ethan, Brayden and Hunter share, Tracey tries to bridge the ever-widening gap between the three men.  

ZACHARY WILLIAMS: (Caucasian Male) Hunter’s new rambunctious stepbrother, 9-11, who is a big part of Hunter and Ethan’s lives.

LUKE KINARD:  (Male) – Fun-loving detective, 28, always finds the bright side to life, no matter how dark the world around him becomes.  Brayden’s new partner from Houston, TX.

Isaac Reynolds: (Male) A methodical, child-serial killer, strong, athletic type, 25, who begins a battle of wits with Hunter.

GABRIEL FLORES: (Hispanic Male) Aggressive but likeable, young detective, age 29, working his way up the ranks.

AMY CORRALES: (Female) A happy-go-lucky child, 6-9, that is kidnapped from her home, but later saved by Hunter.

CYNTHIA CORRALES: (Female) Loving Mother to Amy, 30-35.

REX MARTINEZ: (Hispanic Male) Quiet, cautious, best friend to Zachary Williams, 9-11.

PAGE WILLIAMS: Gentle spirited, first wife of Ethan Williams, 28, dark hair, slender build.

ZOEY WILLIAMS: Outgoing, talkative, older sister to Hunter, age 7-9. Blonde hair if possible.

FEEBEE WILLIAMS: Opinionated, eccentric, classy, but over all, loving and caring mother to Ethan Williams and grandmother to Hunter, 65 or older.

YOUNG BOY, age 7, to play murder victim of Isaac.

We will also need extras for police, detectives, mechanics, coffee house customers, and volunteer workers at warehouse.

Visit Indie Q at:

Applying for Your Job

Period 4:
After we've graded the Production Hierarchy, you will apply for a job on the crew.

Open a New File in Microsoft Word.  Format it as shown in my example, filling in all of the blank areas with statements about yourself.

On the bottom half of the page, write at least 2 ideas for a story that we can base our film on.


Monday, September 30, 2013

Check out this opportunity!

Media Arts and Film Teachers,
I wanted to make sure you saw this. I am getting back to my old tricks of teaching kids to have 
fun by making movies! And this time, I have teamed with Albuquerque's Film and Media Experience
 to bring a little screenwriting contest to the mix. 
Check out the submission page; submit to AFME's The SHOT
I would like to get the chance to talk to any students you have that might have an interest in 
creating a Sci Fi script for the contest. I am also running a Film Lab every Tuesday night from 4-6 
at Warehouse 508 for students interested in working on projects! So as you can see, a lot going on,
 I just need kids with talent and ideas! 
If you know any please get in touch! I have also set up a facebook page for the
 AFME Youth Film Lab if you wanna check it out and give us a like!
Thanks Again
Darryl DeLoach
505 463-2569