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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday, May 9th

Periods 3 & 7:  Footage for "How To" is due today.  Download and begin editing.  We'll spend two days on this, then submit the tutorials and finish your portfolios.  Over the next 3 days, you should take equipment to film your Portfolio Introduction.

Period 5:  Your "How To" video is due today.  Put a copy on my external Hard Drive, and upload a copy to your YouTube channel (if you have one).  Immediately begin working on your Introduction Script; it's due tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Super Cool Summer School!

Hey, as far as summer classes go, this looks pretty BOMB!

Right now, the cost for AHA Students is $200.
We're trying to get the City of Albuquerque to kick in some Dolla$ for scholarships.
(I'll keep you posted on that part)
Sign up for the class here:

Monday, May 6, 2013

Woooooowwwww, you've got a busy week ahead of you!!!

Take a deep breath, grasshopper.  You have a LOT to do, and a short time to do it.
Buddha Says:  If you focus, and use your time wisely, you'll be juuuuuust fiiiiiiiiiine.
 This week's schedule:
Monday  C Day
Tuesday  A Day
Wednesday  B Day
Thursday  A Day
Friday  B Day
Periods 3 & 7:
So, you've procrastinated on shooting your "How To" video, huh?  Bummer.  'Cuz the raw footage is DUE THURSDAY when you get here.   I know, you're thinking:  "Thursday??  But that's usually a 'B' Day!!"  Not this time, little monkey.  It's an "A" Day, and your footage must be on your computer that day, for 20 points. 

Until then....  we're finishing the script for your portfolio, and putting ALL of your other projects on your computer (in Quick Time format, of course), in a NEW iMovie project.  This will become your portfolio.  Which is due next week (see column at right).  Yippeeee!!!!

Period 5:  
So you'll be editing your "How To" video today and tomorrow (yep, tomorrow's an 'A' Day!), and we'll upload it to YouTube on Thursday.  That way, we can spend next week finishing your Portfolio.  Which is due next week anyway (see column at right).  Hooray!