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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Period 5: Portfolios due tomorrow, Thursday, May 16th.  We'll also review for the Final Exam, starting at 11:30.  Might as well finish the Portfolio today, and put it on the Hard Drive.

Periods 3 & 7:   You're better off finishing your Portfolio today, but if you insist on waiting until the last minute, know that they are due on Friday morning (a short C Day) at the latest.

Check the Portfolio Requirements (at right) to make sure you're not missing anything!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Last Week!!!

Your big deadline is on the horizon....that's right, PORTFOLIOS ARE DUE FRIDAY for Pds. 3 &7-----THURSDAY for Pd. 5!!!

Make sure you check the requirements listed to the right.  Remember, you still have to film & edit your introduction before then!!!

Periods 3 & 7:  "How-To" video is due on the external Hard Drive today as a QuickTime (.mov) file.  If you have a YouTube channel, upload it there also.  Then, start putting together ALL of your projects into a "final portfolio" project in iMovie.

Period 5:  We'll watch some of the "HowTo" videos today, and begin assembling your portfolio.