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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lighting Styles: Film Studies

Grab a half-sheet of paper and, as we watch movie clips, identify the lighting styles used in the following types of movies:

1. Horror

2. Comedy

3. Drama

4. Fantasy

5. Epic

6. Gangster

7. Mystery

Remember, you'll have to re-create some of these styles using our light kits, and you'll be evaluated on your success--so pay close attention!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Grades due; Mood lighting

Please make sure you've completed your 3-point lighting assignment, and that Ms. T has checked your footage. We'll critique the footage as a class, and set up several styles of "Mood Lighting" based on the podcast you completed. We'll grade those podcast questions today as well.
Don't forget--the last make-up session for missing work is today at lunch!

Monday, February 15, 2010

It's TV Week in AHA-Land

When it rains, it pours....See the 2 posts below for magnificent training opportunities for aspiring actors, crewpeople, artists and technicians interested in film. The first, an on-campus shoot, takes place here at AHA over the next two weekends; the second is a YDI-sponsored actors' class taught by a SAG (Screen Actors' Guild) Actor from TV's Breaking Bad.

Please note that both of these opportunities are FREE OF CHARGE for students-- a rare thing indeed.
Time is of the essence here, so see Ms. Thomas in E111 ASAP for more info.

See you on TV!

TV Show filming this Saturday on AHA's Campus!

Yes, you read that right; the FTTP Program is filming a pilot for a TV Show called "Wild Justice" here in AHA's very own Courtroom (that's right, only 30 steps from our door), this Saturday, Feb. 20th and next Saturday, Feb. 27th, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

They're looking for up to 50 students to be extras in the show and/or job shadow with members of various departments on the crew. Actors, if you get a speaking line, you get your SAG Card---it usually takes most actors YEARS to do that! And techies, now's your chance to pick the brain of that grip, camera or sound person to find out how they learned their trade! Art department, you'll see folks involved in set decoration, makeup, costuming and more!

Yes, people, this is the REAL DEAL, and it's here on campus...All you need is transportation TO and FROM the school on Saturday. They're even gonna feed you, and I'll be here all day to take pics, supervise, and host an open computer lab where you can check your email, do your homework, or play ridiculous internet games in between takes on set. Sign up with Ms. T in E111; first come, first served.

ACTORS---Check this out!!!!! Free training with TV actor!


News Advisory


WHO: Youth Development Inc., otherwise known as YDI, is starting to recruit young people ages 14-18 who would like to learn the craft of acting from industry veteran and star of Emmy award winning television show “Breaking Bad,” Steven Michael Quezada.

WHAT: “The Actor’s Core” is YDI’s newest program, headed by industry veteran Steven Michael Quezada, who also stars in Emmy award-winning show “Breaking Bad” on AMC. Having wrapped the 3rd season of Breaking Bad, Mr. Quezada’s one true passion is to give back to his community by giving young people access to himself and other industry professionals. “The film and television industry has been growing rapidly in New Mexico, so I want to help young people grow in the skill sets they need to work in the industry since now,“ Mr. Quezada remarks.

“The Actor’s Core” will be a 4 month after school course for young people age 14-18 of all different backgrounds. It is free of charge to young people and their families. Classes will meet 3 times a week at YDI’s Wool Warehouse location, 518 1st Street NW, in downtown Albuquerque. Parents or guardians are responsible for transportation to and from the program.

Mr. Quezada and YDI are looking to recruit 12 young people who will learn a variety of skills withing the film and television trade along with acting. Participants will get to learn from other industry professionals – including Emmy award winning actor Bryan Cranston. “Mr. Cranston has been invaluable to developing this program,” Mr. Quezada says. “He has given a generous donation to us to get this program off the ground. It just goes to show how passionate he is about working in New Mexico.” Gwyn Savage, a local filmmaker who worked on Breaking Bad’s crew also gave of herself generously to make the Actor’s Core project happen.

WHEN: YDI will be actively recruiting until all spots are filled. The program will run for 4 months and meet 3 times a week, from 4 to 6 PM.

WHERE: The program will take place at YDI’s Wool Warehouse Theater, 518 1st Street NW.

WHY: YDI, founded in 1971, is a nationally-recognized youth service organization that provides educational, developmental, and humanitarian assistance to children, youth and families in central and northern New Mexico. YDI serves more than 12,200 clients each year through direct services and an additional 10,000 clients through related outreach programs.

Interested youth can apply by emailing a letter of interest to Steven Michael Quezada at