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Monday, February 15, 2010

TV Show filming this Saturday on AHA's Campus!

Yes, you read that right; the FTTP Program is filming a pilot for a TV Show called "Wild Justice" here in AHA's very own Courtroom (that's right, only 30 steps from our door), this Saturday, Feb. 20th and next Saturday, Feb. 27th, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

They're looking for up to 50 students to be extras in the show and/or job shadow with members of various departments on the crew. Actors, if you get a speaking line, you get your SAG Card---it usually takes most actors YEARS to do that! And techies, now's your chance to pick the brain of that grip, camera or sound person to find out how they learned their trade! Art department, you'll see folks involved in set decoration, makeup, costuming and more!

Yes, people, this is the REAL DEAL, and it's here on campus...All you need is transportation TO and FROM the school on Saturday. They're even gonna feed you, and I'll be here all day to take pics, supervise, and host an open computer lab where you can check your email, do your homework, or play ridiculous internet games in between takes on set. Sign up with Ms. T in E111; first come, first served.

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