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Friday, April 23, 2010


Today's Agenda:

1. Begin downloading your footage.
2. Check the portable hard drive to see if your commercial and silent film have been uploaded; if not, do so immediately.
3. Teams will bring pencil and paper out to the cafeteria for a production meeting.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Furniture in Shooting Rooms; Missing Items

I got an email today from Ms. Cisneros regarding use of open classrooms; if you must move furniture, DO NOT DRAG IT across the floor. This leaves marks on the floor and damages the surface.

Also, a number of items have gone missing from the makeup kits; please help keep an eye on this inventory, as we can't afford to replace what's "walked away". Thanks for your help.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Field Trip Form

Make sure you got a Medical form for our UNM Field Trip, and that you're getting BOTH sides filled out and signed by your parent/guardian. Turn it in as soon as possible; forms are due NO LATER THAN MONDAY APRIL 26TH!!!!

Only those Film Academy students who turn in forms on time will be allowed to attend.

Assembly Schedule Today; Short Shoot!!!

Get ready to go as quickly as possible today; you only have until 8:35 to film, and MUST be back by 8:45 for check-in. The bell rings at 8:52 to go to the College Fair Assembly.

1st period:
CSI: Both crews will head to the Freshman building to review shooting schedules and prepare; Interrogation grip, gaffer, set design and makeup can stay behind to prepare the conference room.

3rd period:
PSA: See me for wardrobe. Also, we're booked to use the Nurse's office on Monday for the "Medical" scene. YAY!

7th period:
No notes.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Time to Make Some Movies!

Before you shoot today:

1st AD: Create Call Sheets for Today and next class period. Must be complete!

Director: Give me a copy of the final shooting script.

DP: I'm assigning you and your Camera Handler permanent cameras & tripods. The numbers for your equipment should go on the Call Sheet and inside cover of your 1st AD's folder. You are responsible for the condition of this equipment from now until the end of the semester.

Set/Props: Head over with your PA and Sound to set up the room.

Makeup: Start slappin foundation on those pretty faces!

Talent: Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!!! You should have your script in front of you at all times, right up until shooting.

Key Grip/Gaffer: Demo in cafeteria--flags and stops. This will help you control light in your shoot, and eliminate harsh shadows. 1st 15 minutes of class with Ms. T