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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Peer Critique--5 point grade

Choose another team's/person's project to watch. Write the following review on a sheet of paper.

1. Rate the quality of the project from 1 to 5. 1 is LOW, 5 is HIGH. Give at least TWO reasons for your rating.

2. Describe the "flow" of the project. Is it easy to understand what's going on? Does it seem smooth or jumpy?

3. Does the music go with the movie? Why or why not?

4. Give one suggestion for improvement, or a specific compliment.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Prep Project for Export to Quick Time!

Your Fast Forward Project is DUE! We'll export it to Quick Time, so that we can then import it into Garage Band and match it to your soundtrack.

This week, our counselor Ms. Villegas will begin pulling 11th grade students for transcript evaluations during class. Should take about 10 minutes.