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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Audio and Color/Exposure Corrections

DFP2, You'll use the long day today to accomplish the following:
  • Level your Audio to reduce variations to a tolerance of Equal To or Less Than 4 Decibels. (5 pts)
  • Correct White Balance (Color Correction) and Exposure based on the Tutorial/Demo halfway through class (5 pts)
I'll grade both of these assignments by reviewing your footage.

Monday, October 13, 2014

"C" is for "Cropping" and "Catching Up"

Use today's short class to do the following:
  • Watch the new "Cropping a Clip" Tutorial on EdPuzzle, and answer the 4 graded questions embedded in the video; this is for a grade.
  • Complete any Tutorials that you have not yet finished; each one counts for a grade!  I will be locking results after class today.
  • Apply the Crop Tool to at least 1 clip in your project, and Scale/Resize it to remove any black areas.  I will check this off for a 2-point grade.