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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cool Potential Project

See me if interested....

The Youth Creating Change Film Festival is our way of engaging young people in advocating for child homelessness, as well as providing young people interested in media arts an outlet for their work to be seen.

Open call for Middle-school and high-school aged youth to produce Public Service Announcements and short films to educate and motivate the community to act on child homelessness. The films will be shown on June 25, 2011 at the South Broadway Cultural Center. A panel of judges will award prizes based on factual content, creativity, production value, and an effective call to action.
These films will be used by a Home for Every Child advocacy program to educate and motivate communities to end child homelessness throughout New Mexico.

Chris Ortiz y Pino
Regional Community Coordinator
Cuidando Los Niños
NM Campaign to End Child Homelessness
(505) 843-6899 Ext. 113

Sr. Intern Info in Cafeteria

Hey 2012 Seniors! Those of you eligible for Internships or Community Projects need to check out the info boards in the Main Cafeteria, and complete a Survey form. That way, Ms. T knows how best to get you set up for next fall's Friday fun!!!

***If you DON"T complete the survey, I'll just have to pick something FOR you....(Cue wicked laughter.....)

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Deadlines are coming!! The Deadlines are coming!!!!!

Yeeeessssss, it's that time again~ time to submit films, for grades and glory!

This Friday, April 1st, is the deadline for your Green Screen project. Must be submitted as a high-resolution Quick Time file.

Friday, April 15th is the submission deadline for the Digital Desert Youth Film Festival. I have TONS of permission and talent forms copied; come pick up as many as you think you'll need, and start collecting signatures!

We've been asked to do "something special" for Grandparents' Day (April 13), when we'll have families on campus for events and tours. Currently taking ideas, suggestions, and opportunities for Extra Credit.....

It's Vocab Time! Take a few minutes to review with a partner today. We WILL test this week.