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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Compressing Projects for your Final Portfolio

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

You're going to need to build your Final Portfolio project on a single computer, which means you probably have to move some of your projects around the room.

Step 1: Open the project you need to move. Note: The file must be in the Project Library, NOT the Event Library, in order for this to work.

Step 2: Double click on the project (or click on the "Edit Project" button to get into the project. Go to the "Share" menu at the top, and choose "Export as a Quick Time Movie".

Step 3: Name the file and choose "Desktop" as the destination, and click "Save".

Step 4: The exported movie will show up on your Desktop. Save to an external hard drive.

Final Portfolio DVD Requirements

Your Final Portfolio is worth 200 points (2/3 of your Final Exam Grade) and consists of a DVD with the following projects:

Silent Movie
5-minute Movie

and at least 3 of the following:

Basic Shot Types Filming Test
Tripod Filming Test
Lighting Filming Test
Sound Filming Test

You only need 3 of the 4 filming tests; if you have all 4, choose the BEST 3.

If you set this up correctly, you'll be able to browse the movie menu on your DVD player at home, and show off your work like a pro!

Editing your Movie

Each team member will earn their 5 daily points by editing on A-Roll or B-Roll footage. Use the LOG SHEET to make notes about good/bad takes.
Team members will edit for 10-15 minutes at a time, then trade with someone from their team.
Eventually, we'll compress your edited B-roll footage and move it to the same computer as your A-Roll footage. They'll be combined to create a final movie that uses different point-of-view shots for a richly textured final result.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Accuplacer Saturday 5/22

All Dual Credit Candidates:

We will be administering the Accuplacer HERE in E111 next Saturday, 5/22 at 10 a.m.
If you have already registered AND have a CNM ID# on file with me, you will be receiving a letter to take home to parent/family for a signature. You may also go to CNM's Main Campus THIS SATURDAY (5/15) to take the Accuplacer.

IF you do not show up to test, OR you have a paper application in process, you MUST go to CNM's Main Campus this summer to take the Accuplacer. Otherwise, you WILL NOT be eligible for Dual Credit for DFP2 next year. Eligible students will be placed in a special section of Film Prod 2.

There are NO exceptions to this rule, no last-minute magic, and no do-overs. Plan on showing up next Saturday.

B Hall LAST CHANCE Thursday

Pds. 2 & 7:

ONE LAST SHOT at B-Hall: Filming has been cleared for after school on Thursday. 2:30 until finished. Do or die.
Let me know if your team will show up, and how everyone will get home afterward.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Last week of production

We'll finish early today in order to visit Ms. Urioste's War Fare! Be back by 8:30.
Chop Chop! Only 2 days left!!!