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Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday, Jan. 25th

Several announcements:

FICAP students:  Class starts on Monday!!!  I've posted the class list on the board, so that you can talk to your classmates about carpooling.  NOTE:  The Location of the class has changed!!!!!  See the map.  You should have received an email from the instructor (check your CNM announcement board this morning).

eCademy enrollment notice:
"students were required to log in to their ecademy online classes by Tuesday, January 22nd.  If you have not logged in and completed assignments by Tuesday January 29th at 9:00 pm, you will be dropped from your online class(s) to make room for students on the waiting list."  "For students taking traditional F2F classes at ecademy, if you have not reported to your class by Tuesday, January 29th, you will be counted as a "no show" making room for students on the waiting list."

Period 3:  Let's see if we can film pick-up shots of the cuffs this morning (Sarge said we can borrow his!!!).  Then, we'll start our intro to stop-motion animation.

Period 5:  Just a few more examples of how you can build your stop-motion project around an IDEA, and then it's off to the races!  We are going to brainstorm in small groups today, to try to generate some high-quality story ideas.  Your group must produce at least TWO fully-formed story ideas, based on a THEME or CONCEPT.

Period 7:  We'll film as much as possible today, if talent is available.  Otherwise, we'll start our introduction to stop-motion animation.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stop-Motion Animation

We're getting ready to move on to our next exciting project---Stop-Motion Animation!

Period 5 has a head start on the action, since they've finished shooting their film, "Beautiful Rose".  We've already started looking at the vocabulary of animation, and applying that to examples.

Periods 3 & 7 will start prepping for this project on Fridays, as they finish shooting their Horror films during the week.

Teams of students will create a short (1-minute) stop-motion animation project over the next 6 weeks.  This timeline includes the planning, pre-production, production and post-production (editing) phases.

We'll also be learning how to use NEW editing software.  Adobe Premiere has long been one of the leading industry-standard software packages for editing, and has now overtaken Final Cut.  As soon as the software is installed, we'll be engaging in short lessons on how to use the Premiere interface, and getting some hands-on editing practice with our footage from your Horror film.

More details coming soon!