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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Genre Studies

For the next 2 weeks, during Green Screen production, we'll be studying "genres" in film. You'll keep extensive notes in your folder, for which you will be graded. You'll need to study those notes for the test at the end of this unit. Studying major types of films will help prepare you for this semester's big project, "Genre in 60 Seconds".
You should be able to fit 2 Genre's worth of notes onto a single piece of paper. Copy the info below onto the TOP and BOTTOM halves of a piece of paper, leaving space for your answers:

Genre: an identifiable type, category, classification or group of films that have similar techniques or conventions.

Genre Studied:


Key Idea/Activities/Plot Structure:

Main Character Type(s):

Typical Art Department (Costume, Location, Style):