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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pre-Production: Learning your Role(s) and Responsibilities

Screenwriting Team:  Choose a workspace in the fourth row of the room to start writing your script.  Copy the original script file to an external drive and download to all four computers.  Work collaboratively, but quietly.  You have until Tuesday to complete the 3-page script.  Here's a little something to get you started:  12 essential screenwriting tips

All other DFP2:  Use the Blendspace link to go to the Pre-Production lesson: Click Here
Download the Power Point and Word files to complete Part 1 of your assignment.  Use the research links in Item 3 to complete Part 2 of your assignment.

Due at end of class, worth 20 points.

DFP3: Continue working on Client-Based Commercial; due Tuesday 11/25 as a Quick Time file.