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Thursday, April 28, 2011


Opening Ceremonies and the FAB Meeting/Mixer tonight at the National Hispanic Cultural Center (Bridge and 8th St.)---admission is FREE!

Tomorrow night, Saturday, join us at the NHCC at 6 pm for screenings of finalists in each category, as well as awards.

CONGRATULATIONS to Alyssia Yazzie, Lily Estrada and Carlos Ramirez--their green screen film "Amiable Desires" made it into the festival! So did "Gone", from Edgar Ramirez and Valeria Realyvasquez. Special CONGRATS to Katya Perez and Dayna Robles---their Stop-Frame animation "Walk Through Hell" placed 1st in Animation! Way to go!!!

Please join us to watch the best of film from high schools around the state, and support our AHA films, especially on Saturday! Remember, all events are free!!!

Pds. 2 & 4: Getting Started

We're going to try to stick to a short deadline on ALL of the projects we're working on. As we get started today, please LOG IN to your Google Docs account, to make sure you set it up correctly and we can use it to share files if needed.

Editing Teams: Make sure you are using an Editing Log in order to receive full credit for the work you're doing.

Yearbook Teams: Check your folder for updates. T&O is due today including a wardrobe & props list, and you must create a storyboard and shooting schedule tomorrow. I need to notify the Yearbook teacher by Friday when/where her students need to show up for filming next week.

Cuidando Teams: T&O due at the end of class today. This document must be complete, to include shooting locations, calendar dates and times (whether on or off campus). We'll need to secure talent permission forms for all those appearing on camera.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cuidando Teams: Google Docs!

Get on board the future train, people. Google Docs are the best way to share documents, resource lists, and aggregated info with you.
You'll need to create a Google account (unless you already use gmail) to log into the docs you need for this competition, including Rules, Resources, Website, etc....

So get to it already!

p.s. if you're utterly confused, see the link below for tutorials. like, now.

Yearbook Promo Team: Google Docs

You, my special legion of warriors, have been chosen to enter the world of Google Docs!
This allows us to all log in, view, edit, and share the script and storyboard for this project, without having to use the blog.
You will need to create a Google Doc account (unless you already use gmail).
To find out more, click on the links below:

To start your account:

Yearbook Script:

Genre in 60 Seconds

Genre Resources to get you started:

check this post frequently for updates.