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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pds. 2 & 4: Getting Started

We're going to try to stick to a short deadline on ALL of the projects we're working on. As we get started today, please LOG IN to your Google Docs account, to make sure you set it up correctly and we can use it to share files if needed.

Editing Teams: Make sure you are using an Editing Log in order to receive full credit for the work you're doing.

Yearbook Teams: Check your folder for updates. T&O is due today including a wardrobe & props list, and you must create a storyboard and shooting schedule tomorrow. I need to notify the Yearbook teacher by Friday when/where her students need to show up for filming next week.

Cuidando Teams: T&O due at the end of class today. This document must be complete, to include shooting locations, calendar dates and times (whether on or off campus). We'll need to secure talent permission forms for all those appearing on camera.

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