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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Prod. Meeting #2

1. Get folders back and check grades from last week's "Strategy" meeting.

2. Sit with team and review comments.

3. Evaluate how well your team has used the strategies you came up with (if you're using them at all), and if it's improved the quality and/or efficiency of your work.

4. ON THE BACK OF LAST WEEK'S PAPER, each team member should either make a suggestion for further improvement or write about how the team strategy has helped the team.

5. Several members of the team (not the 1st AD or Director) should be elected to report results to the rest of the class. After each team reports, work will be turned in @ front of team folder.

Wild Justice Shoots Again!

Tomorrow, Sat. May 1st, the "Wild Justice" crew will be back to film a second episode of their courtroom 'dramedy' series about wild-but-true New Mexico court cases.

Let me know if you're interested in being an extra and/or shadowing a crew member, but be is at 7 a.m., and it's going to be a long day.

You'll get to see a real film crew in action, AND get fed for free all day long! FUN!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 13: Check Yo'Self!

Day 12's Call Sheets will be handed back. Review any comments with team.

Each team should include on the Call Sheet which scene will be filmed that day. 1st A.D.'s can modify today's Call Sheet by hand, but will need to include this info in a digital copy from now on.

Remember, you're still being held to a higher standard; work accordingly.

FRIDAY we'll complete CNM Applications while teammates are downloading footage; we'll also have your 2nd production meeting.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 12

Remember, expectations have been raised, and grading criteria are getting stricter. You've had a week to practice, work out the "bugs", and improve your job performance. No more mistakes!

1. Each team will share with the class the strategies they've developed for safe, successful shoots. Written team strategy must be in front pocket of 1st AD's folder.

2. We'll review the Calendar for a quick "reality check" on how many days of production your team has left.

3. I'm instituting Equipment Checks at the end of every production day. Be prepared upon return to show me all of your equipment before putting it away.

4. Return no later than 8:50.

FT Forms DUE

Turn in your UNM Field Trip Form today. Trip details forthcoming.