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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wed., March 27th

EVERYONE: If you are applying for the Emma Bowen Internship, please check in with me today on your progress.  

We are on assembly schedule today.  

Period 3:  We really, really need to find Angel's jeans from the Poison Popcorn shoot.  At this point, we lost them.  The replacement cost for those jeans is $60.00, which I totally cannot afford to pay out of my own pocket, nor should I have to.  We're going to backtrack from the last day of shooting until we figure out where they went.  Then we'll head to the Black Box to continue shooting.  Class ends at 10:21.

Period 5: Some teams are done shooting, and will remain in the lab to edit.  Look at Monday's post to figure out who is doing what.  BE ADVISED:  EVERYONE on the team will have a job, and will be held responsible for showing DAILY PROGRESS in your assigned area.  No progress, no points.  Furthermore, you will have to call your parents and explain that you did NOTHING in class that day.
Those teams who are still shooting have until the end of class tomorrow to finish.
Class ends today at 11:12.

Period 7:  Shooting in the Black Box today.  We'll head back to the classroom by 1:10.