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Friday, September 24, 2010

Idea Sharing & Teaming for Fast Forward

Grab your 6 examples from your folder as you get settled in today; after today's "Director's Chair" presentations, we'll share ideas as a large group, and begin to 'aggregate' according to whose ideas are similar to yours.
You may wind up with a partner, on a team of 2 to 3 people total, or by yourself.
Once you've determined who you're working with (or if you're flying solo), begin your Treatment & Outline.
I'm particularly concerned with HOW you intend to execute this project, WHERE it will take place, and WHEN you plan to film. Please include this info on your T&O before turning in.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

fast forward....

I imagine this project might challenge some of you in ways you're not used to, so we'll start small and work our way up to a full-blown IDEA for Project #1: Fast Forward!

Grab your folder, and a blank sheet of paper. It's time to answer some questions, watch some videos and think a little bit. Yesterday, we reviewed sample projects from across the spectrum of project possibilities. Today, as you review a few of those samples, I'm going to ask you to brainstorm in each of the categories we discussed.

On your paper (which you'll keep in your folder), write 2 examples of projects YOU could create in each of these categories. That's 6 original examples straight outta your brain!
Watch the videos first if you think they will help; you can watch just the suggested videos in each category, or go crazy with the "Fast Forward Sample Links" bar at left.

1. Expository: This "how-to" category includes the 'making a bottle opener' video, and deals with process-oriented actions. Making a cake for someone (mmmmm, birthday cake....), how to create a graffiti stencil, creating a maze and then drawing your way out, create an ugly stuffed animal, fight your way out of a paper bag, etc....
Copy and paste into your URL:

2. Chronological/Travel: This category addresses the passage of time, like the 'Trafalgar Square' video, and movement through space ('riding my bike to the beach'). You could document the growth/deterioration of an object (think table-top science project--ask Cadman for ideas!), the way a space changes as the day passes, the building/destruction of something, etc...
Copy and paste into your URL:

3. Portrait/Interpretive: This is the category where you can just go crazy. Draw a portrait of someone or assemble it from a pile of torn photos, assemble a series of video clips that profile your neighborhood or city from different points of view/times of day, tell an intricate and personal story (think 'holiday card' video), create a high-speed tour of your favorite places, or create a video that sends a 'message' you believe is important.
Copy and paste into your URL:

"I just wanna say: good luck. We're all counting on you."--Dr. Rumack (Leslie Nielsen), Airplane! (1980)

FCE Opacity and Audio; Moving on to Project #1!

Make sure you've put your Opacity experiment footage in the SAME PROJECT with your first series of shots, but that you create a NEW SEQUENCE (FILE---NEW---SEQUENCE) for the Opacity experiment.

We'll learn a little bit about working with audio in FCE today, too.

Halfway through class, we'll shift gears and begin talking about Fast Forward.