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Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, Nov. 8th

First:  Lots of folks have been disregarding Lab Rules #1 & 2 lately, and as a result, this lab looks like a dump.  We're going to fix that.
Period 3 will continue to work in departments.  Lighting in Studio, Audio & Editing on Foley and soundtrack, Art Dept reviews packets with me, Production team schedules casting.
Period 4 will vote on scripts.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Moving from Development to Pre-Production

As classes complete their scripts (and Period 4 votes on which one to use), departments will meet to begin planning for their film.  This will look slightly different for each department, and will depend on Department Heads to stay organized and on-task.  You will be graded on participation (5 points per day) based on the evaluation rubric.

Department meetings are designed to help small teams within the crew prepare for filming.

Period 4 scripts MUST be finished Tuesday, Nov. 5th in order for the class to move into Pre-Production!!!