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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Completing Your Intro Script

In order for your Script to receive final approval for shooting, it MUST contain the following:
  • At least 1 Location (in Scene Heading)
  • List of all Shot Types for each segment of Dialogue
  • At least 3 uniquely different shot types (don't repeat)
  • Correct formatting for all elements (Scene Heading, Action, Shot Type, Character, Dialogue)
  • Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Your script will be returned to you for revisions until you have all of the above completed.

Name your Script like this: firstnamelastname

Print your Script before you leave.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Starting your Final Portfolio

Download the instructions below, and open them on your Desktop.  Start by completing PART A today.  You should use Word or Celtx to type your responses, and save the file to your Desktop.

(Seniors, you've already begun this process; Scripts should be finished. Start collecting projects.)

Want to see examples of Portfolios from Previous Students??
They're on a Playlist on my YouTube Channel!

Exporting your movie to a QuickTime (.mov) file

Today I'll demonstrate how to export your finished movie to a QuickTime file (.mov), our portable format for movies.  A completed QuickTime on your Desktop is worth 5 points.

  1. First, Save and then RENDER your Sequence (In-Class Demo).
  2. Watch the Exporting to Quick Time Tutorial on
  3. Export your Quick Time and submit for 5 points.