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Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday March 8th

Periods 3&7:
Today we download and check footage  (thanks to Jonathan Rivas for the source!)

Period 5:
Today we film!

have a safe and happy spring break!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday, March 3rd

Periods 3 &7:
Today is the last class period for set and character construction.  15 points for completed materials; every day you miss this deadline, it's a ZERO.  We'll move your materials into the Black Box on Wednesday, set up lighting, and begin shooting.  This means that after today, we won't be in the cafeteria with paint and other supplies. You MUST complete your setup today.

Period 5:
We'll continue filming ALL WEEK long.  You should have reviewed your footage on Friday to determine where you have any technical errors.  Make adjustments today to improve the quality of the footage.  If you did NOT download on Friday, you must finish 10 minutes early today, and bring your SD card back to the lab for download and spot-check.
MAKE SURE you have your script with you when filming!!!  This helps ensure that you're building smooth motion sequences, and shooting in story order.
3 participation points PER DAY for filming: you must be on task, working with your group, ID on, no distractions or unsafe behavior, etc.