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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Film Biz Stuff

HEY!  Here are a couple of great opportunities, if you're interested:

Screenwriting Competition

Crew Call

Deadlines for both are SOON!  Let me know if you have questions.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Color-coded groups will work together to create the following:

2 "Pitches", about 4 sentences long, that include:

Main character and story arc (Beginning, Middle, End) with a clear resolution.
Key plot points and setting (time, location).
Main character's "problem" or motivation.

These two pitches must be submitted in writing, and pitched to the class, starting at 10:15.

Adhere to these guidelines:
  1.  Must be based on a "Drama" Genre theme & incorporate Dramatic elements.
  2. Nobody dies, gets stabbed/shot/mutilated etc.
  3. Must be based in a previous time period, all the way up to the 1980's.
  4. Maximum of 3 Locations.
  5.  The main conflict/plot point must be resolved in a 2- to 3-page script (5-minute film).

Monday, November 3, 2014


Before we begin to create the story outline for our short Dramatic film, we must first understand what makes a film....dramatic

Open your blank Cornell Notes file, and your Film Genres .pdf file, and visit the Blendspace page to complete your 30-minute Team Activity:

Blendspace Drama

Share your notes with your teammates to complete the assignment.  Individual tasks are color-coded.  You may work in a team of 2 or 3 people.
You will turn in your individual, completed Cornell Notes for a grade before we proceed with brainstorming.