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Friday, October 4, 2013

"How-To" due Wednesday, Oct. 9th

Your completed "How-To" video must be fully edited and uploaded to YouTube on Wednesday, Oct. 9th for a possible 110 points.  You will be rated on the following:
  • Quality of Audio  (Loud enough to hear but not too loud, all instructions are clearly audible, no excessive background noise)  25 points
  • Quality of Video (Variety of shot types, good composition, stable camera work, no single-shot "sprinkler" segments)25 points
  • Clarity of sequencing and instruction (steps are in order and make sense) 25 points
  • Quality of Editing (excess footage trimmed, only relevant footage included, no "jump cuts" or rough cuts between clips) 25 points
  • Title and credits included, with no errors in spelling or grammar  10 points

Follow these Steps to upload to MY YouTube account (and yours, if you have one):
Step 1:  Go to "Share---YouTube"
 Step 2:  Use my login and password to access my YouTube page; name your file; choose "Large" size; and click NEXT
 Step 3:  Publish
Step 4: Wait for video to upload.  Repeat process for YOUR YouTube channel by logging in with YOUR email and password for Step 2.

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