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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Pd 2 Culinary Shoot

I am really sick and it hurts to talk.  Therefore, I need you to read this carefully.

Teams will gather equipment, test it to make sure EVERYTHING works, load their SD Card, check for ID's and Film Passes, get out your storyboard, review your plan, and then let me know when you're ready.
You will probably need an extension cord for power if your camera's dead---most of them are.

I expect that you will be your BEST professional self this morning.  Remain on-task and focused, communicate with me and your partner, SHARE the work load, and DO NOT distract Chef Young's students.  Today is a 10-point participation grade.  I will periodically check on your progress.  Shooting should take no more than 45 minutes, then we'll download and edit.

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