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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wed., May 1st

Check out the world's smallest StopMotion film EVER....made with atoms!
A Boy and His Atom 

MayDay! MayDay!  5th pd storyboard grades were lost!  I'll call out names today for people who need to show me their graded storyboards.

Periods 3 & 7:  More Presentations today, and Genre notes, followed by a TYPED step-by-step list of directions for your "How-To" video.   Period 7 has to complete their Storyboards today, too, since you have 3 Presentations on Friday.  Sign up on the calendar to take equipment home to film your project.  Raw footage for "How-To" is due next Thursday, May 9th (yep, that's an "A" Day!!!)

Period 5: Shooting exteriors with Amanda for Beautiful Rose today, and putting all of this year's work on your computer, in order to start working on the Portfolio.  Footage for your "How-To" video is DUE when you walk in on Friday.

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