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Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29th

Hey Everybody!  Please make sure you have completed the 5-point StopMo Self Assessment and Peer Critique assignments  (look to the right column of the blog), because I'm deleting those tomorrow to make room for your Final Portfolio assignment.  Julian, Devon, Fernando & Mariah!!!

Periods 3 & 7: We'll spend the first half of class on Presentations, and the second half looking at examples of "How To" videos, playing a few fun rounds of Round Robin, and coming up with ideas for your project.  You'll need to decide on an idea before Wednesday.  Pd. 7: Liz and Devon, see me about your Final Portfolio!

Period 5: Some of you are scheduled to check out equipment today; please check the calendar.  Those who have not signed up are at risk of failing the project (and, by extension, the 6-week grading period); please check in with me today.  Raw footage is DUE on your computer by Friday (May 3rd).

We're shooting some insert shots for Beautiful Rose this week;  please be here every day! 

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