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Friday, February 12, 2010

FEEDBACK--You spoke, we listened!

Suggestions from the Film Academy Assembly, and Film Team Responses.

TV Show: Several students suggested a weekly broadcast. Ms. Armijo is teaching a class next year that includes broadcasting. See your Course Catalog for more info!

More Field Trips: Heck yeah! We're working on taking you to UNM, CNM and ABQ Studios this semester. Word on the street is that you're willing to help fundraise to pay for the bus. Whaddaya say?

More Academy Assemblies: So you wanna stay "in the loop" about what's going on. We've forwarded this info to Mr. Hammil. Stay tuned; it's a great idea!

Trades and Specialized Classes: Many of the traditional trades courses (woods, metals, autos, etc.) are offered at CEC. Pick up a CEC Catalog from your Advisor for more info, and ask any Film Academy teacher--CEC is a great experience!

More Space: Oh yeah, we feel you on this one. Hold on, little lambs; construction starts SOON!

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