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Friday, March 12, 2010

The next 6 weeks of your life, in a nutshell...

Pre-Production Plan:

Day 1:

Job Assignments: Crew Breakdown

All: Write a narrative story of the events in your project. 3 to 5 paragraphs.


Director/DP/1st AD/Grip

Choose the final pitch and story structure. Complete story form.


Create a list of characters, including at least 2 relevant details. Sketch them out.

Art Department:

Describe the setting in as much detail as possible, including color scheme, location, textures, and important details. What is IN this room? Is it dark, bright, etc? Create a master sketch of the room and a list of props and set materials needed.

Day 2:

All: Complete narrative story of the events in your project. 3 to 5 paragraphs.



Location scout, take photos, and calculate load for room. Begin storyboard.

1st AD

Begin reviewing shooting schedule; work with Ms. T on creating a Call Sheet.


Evaluate existing makeup kit, wardrobe and props. Create list of clothes and makeup needed. Submit final character/face sketches and list.

Art Department:

Evaluate location for existing props and set dressing. Evaluate existing props collection. Create final list of props and set materials needed, and research budget.

Help Director team on storyboard.

Day 3:

All: Narrative story due for project. 3 to 5 paragraphs.

Practice shoot: Review notes on shooting process and practice process in setup.

Complete any lingering team assignments as necessary.

Day 4-6:

Using narrative story, complete draft script for project (3 to 5 pages). Due at end of Day 6.

Day 7:

Team evaluates and votes on a final script. Revise as necessary and hand in.

Day 8:

1st AD reviews Call Sheet with team. Final shooting schedule is devised.

All Art Department must have wardrobe, props and makeup ready.

Talent gets a copy of the script.

Day 9:

Creating a shooting script. Review with class, then breakout into teams. 1st AD leads with Director and Art Dept. Head to create shooting script.

Talent will rehearse. Makeup practices on a “victim”.

Gaffer/Grip team will practice lighting for the shoot and create a list of equipment needed. Demo with Ms. T: Flags, Silks and Stops.

DP and Camera Op: Review storyboard and practice key shots & camera setup. Review with Ms. T: The 180 Degree Rule


Day 10-15


Day 16-22

Editing. Demo with Ms. T: Creating a Soundtrack in Garage Band.

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