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Monday, October 18, 2010

Last Full Week of Filming

Some classes will be filming during class this week; if you need to film during class, you must let me know ASAP! I've already asked all advanced classes about this, and I think our schedule is pretty much set for the week.

Since it's mid-term, we've got to fit our vocab test in there somewhere, and continue to work on your Garage Band song. See the front board for song requirements; EVERY STUDENT must create a song, and your team will choose a final song during post-production.

Next week is a short week, since we have Parent Conferences on Tuesday the 26th and Wednesday the 27th. Make sure you've scheduled your conference with your Advisor. When we DO meet for classes next week, we'll be editing.

ALL EQUIPMENT IS DUE MONDAY OCT. 25 th!!! Failure to turn in equipment will result in a grade penalty.

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