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Monday, November 22, 2010

What are Guest Speakers worth?

We've had several guest speakers/presentations come through in the last month or so, and it's time to reflect on what we get out of these kinds of events. Think back to Cyndy McCrossen, our Location Scout; Tonya Bryant, from UNM; and Friday's presentation from Channel 27 (public access TV).

I'm going to open up the "Comments" portion of the blog; leave a comment with your full name and class period about what you learned, or what the presenters made you think about, or what questions you have now about your future.


  1. I think that guest speakers let you hear about what's going on in the industry from someone OTHER than boring old Ms. T

  2. Shayla Sanchez.
    What I think we got out of these presentations was it showed us the opportunities we can get out of going into the film industry. It shows us the open doors to get us to our success. It actually made me not so confused as to how to get into this kind of thing, or the career I'm looking for. It has opened my eyes up more.

  3. I think the public access TV people were very intresting and informative about how we can put a show on one there 2 channels they have and how we our selfs can film the show .....Eddie Garcia......

  4. the guest speakers help us learn what we need to do to really make it and how hard it is but how fun it can be and it gives us guides to put us in the direction we want.
    Cynthya Carbajal period.3a

  5. gerardo rodriguez p3November 22, 2010 at 8:24 AM

    I think having guest speakers help us see opportunities that are open to us than the simple you're coming to this class as preparation. I think that guests open our eyes better to other helpful ways of film because people usually don't ignore guest speakers.

  6. Joseph plakio p.3 I think it was good for us because we got information about where some opportunities for us to start where to start at and some tips about what to do what would be better and some useful information and examples.

  7. Kevin Martinez 3rd period
    That we could get a head start on not only learning new things about equipment, but we would also obtain experience. All of this is available to us now if a student wanted to work on something of their own, or just wanting to work on a crew.

  8. Taylor Wheeler
    period 3
    The guest speaker's that came to our school taught us a lot about different opportunities that we have out side of school. Also it taught us about how we can get experience, to help us get jobs that we want in the future.

  9. they let us know what to expect out there in the real world and they let us know what kind of training we can recieve

  10. Isaak salas
    period 3

    I think the guest speakers talked to us about alot of oppertunities. Such as channel 27 for begginers ,and also expanding our skills and going to unm,and learn what we need to know to persue our film path and go on in film production.

  11. Melvin Fejeran
    3rd period
    I thing the guest speakers talked to us about many different paths individuals can take to get started in the film industry and careers similar to film like computer graphics arts and music and many others.
    Or channel 26, & 27 for beginners in the media field.

  12. I thought that the guest speakers were pretty cool. They made me think film in a different way.

    Charles saenz.!(:

  13. MARCUS DOTEY P3: the guest speakers are good we need that

  14. Justin Lamberth period 3. I liked having guests because it allowed me to see what i can do in the future and right now.

  15. Bryce Maddox, Period 2

    For the guest speakers i have learned a lot of new material dealing with film. One of my favorite guest speakers would have to be the two guys that came from the "quote on quote". they shared a lot of information dealing with opportunities and internships that will greatly benefit us for our future.

  16. I think it's good that we have guest speakers because they inform you of what's out there for you and what you can do in the film industry. also how you can do those things. by Cinthia carreon.

  17. hay wats crackin ms.T its serrina rodriguez and i just wanted to say that the guess speakers that came that day was awsome. I loved the little movie they showed us,it was very well filmed,the actors were good and it had my attention the whole time.

  18. Aaron Martinez

    Mrs. T does a great job of explaining to us about the film industry, but its always also good to hear from other people that work in it too. We get to hear about it from different perspectives and now we kind of know what to expect going to college and going into the film industry. THANKS MRS. T!

  19. Sinay Ocana

    I think that the speakers help us understand some of the jobs better. They also talk to us about how to get to into college in the film industry. I really like having the speakers come to se whats up, and to hear more about the film industry.

  20. Loreyna Dominguez said...
    It was really good to be able to hear somones else's perspective so that we can be able to hear different or new other things/facts information we didnt get to here.

  21. Emilio Salcido

    the guest speakers really help because they give us info about the industry and how to get involved also they leave us card to get ahold of them if we would ever need help! there awsome!

  22. Estrada, Lily
    I learned about different careers that you would not expect to be a part of the film industry.

  23. Anonymous said...
    The guest speakers were a great help. they helped me understand the steps necessary in order to be part of the film industry. It was nice to see the different opportunities that filming can give.

    Period 4
    Annahi Munoz

  24. I think that you could make your film that you want it to be. It doesn't matter how long the film could be as long it makes since. Allyssia Yazzie Period 4th

  25. the guest speakers are very helpful they helped me understand more about the film worldand how to get in it:) Marissa Marroquin 2nd
