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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pds. 2&4: Writing your Portfolio Introduction

You're going to start on your Final Portfolio today, creating the ideas that will shape your "Introduction" to your Portfolio DVD, which is two thirds of your final exam. Check it out:

You're going to film a short piece, in the style of one of the genres we've studied. This short film will focus on what you've accomplished this year, your struggles and triumphs, what you've learned, what the future holds, etc....

For example, you may create a "Western" shootout, with multiple enemies like "Lazy" or "Confused" that you shoot dead as you talk about how you've gotten better this year.
You may make a "Zombie Horror" short, with a voice-over talking about how "out of it" you were at the beginning of the year, or something like that.

ANYHOO, to get started, you must complete today's assignment for a 20-point grade. AS LONG AS YOU ARE WORKING, you may listen to music---with headphones on!!!:

1. Open "Word" and create a new Document. Immediately save it to the Desktop and call it "Reflection".
2. Keep this window open and answer the following questions by typing in your document:
  1. Describe 2 important things that happened to you this year (in this class, in life, school, or elsewhere) that have helped shape who you are now.
  2. Name 3 things you learned to do better this year, in this class, or another; in school or in life.
  3. Discuss 1 thing that's still a struggle for you; maybe it's a bad habit you can't break, or your difficulties in a particular class, in school, or in life.
  4. Talk about someone or something that has helped you this school year. How did they/it help you?
  5. If you could be ANY movie character, from all of movie history, who/what would it be? You must explain WHY you chose this character.
3. When you are done typing, use the Spelling and Grammar Tool to check your work; make sure you have at least 10 sentences TOTAL. Print your work, put your name on top, and turn in to the black basket on my desk before you leave today.

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