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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Preparing Your Final Portfolio: The Introduction

After using your writing assignment to help you craft a 25-point short thematic script (in the style of one of the genres we've studied), you'll create a 25-point storyboard in Celtx (we'll do a quick review if needed). Plan on shooting your introduction during class time in the next few days, as we only have about 10 days until Final Exams!

Any free time you have after completing assignments should be spent compressing and collecting your movie projects onto your "home" (assigned seat) computer. Once you have them all, create a new iDVD project and add those movies in.

The Final Portfolio consists of a DVD with an Introduction and Chapters containing each of your movie projects from this year. It's worth 200 points (66%) of your Final Exam. Your written final is worth 100 points (34%).

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