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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wed., Feb. 27th

Periods 3 & 7:
  • We'll start by reviewing your Test Footage.  We'll import the pics into iMovie and speed them up.  I'll do a quick demonstration, then give you 10 minutes to finish creating your sequence.  Each team will review their footage, make necessary technical notes, and critique other teams' work.
  • Each team must complete a basic Set Design sketch.  I'll give you 15 minutes to do so. Then...
  • We'll start chopping and painting boxes for sets (those of you who need them).  Teams using live action (people) or open sets (i.e. drawing) will need to complete a set dec and lighting plan today instead.
  • We'll stop 10 minutes before the end of class to do cleanup.  Any team that leaves a mess, in the cafeteria OR in the bathroom (e.g. paint splatters from washing brushes) will receive a ZERO for the day's participation grade.  You MUST clean up after yourselves.
  • I'm going to give you until the end of class on Monday to complete SETS and CHARACTERS, so any materials you need to bring in must be here by Friday.  This is worth 15 points; for every day that you miss the deadline, you get a ZERO. 

Period 5:
With the exception of two teams that continue to receive a ZERO because they're not ready, the rest of us are ready to start filming, and will begin doing so today in the Production Studio.  Make sure that you have someone on the team who is keeping track of the number of shots per second, and where you are in a movement sequence in case you have to stop for the day.
Every day we're filming is worth a 5-point Participation grade.  Absences, or violating ANY set safety & etiquette rules (i.e. cell phones, horseplay), or failure to perform your job will result in an automatic ZERO for the day.

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