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Monday, April 22, 2013

Wednesday, April 24th DFP2

Period 5:  By the end of class today, you should:
·      Watch several example videos on YouTube that match your "How To" category.  Be ready to explain to the substitute WHY this example is relevant to your idea.
·      You must spend at least the last 30 minutes of class typing step-by-step directions in Microsoft Word.  These directions are for your “How-To” video.  This ensures you won’t forget a step in the script.  ALL students must print their list with their name on it, and turn it in to the sub by 12:00 p.m.  Don’t wait until the last minute---it backs up the printer.
·      The only exception is Kevin Rodriguez---he’s allowed to edit the class’s “Horror” film for part of the period.
Periods 3 & 7
By the end of class today, you should:
  • Have a working definition of your subgenre
  • Have chosen a format for your Power Point and started creating slides
  • Have found a list of several example films in your Subgenre
  • Have a list of key Art Department, Plot and Character Elements
  • Have found 2 or 3 trailers to choose from for your example clip 

Review the Presentation Guidelines in the post from Thursday, April 11th for more info.
We will start Presentations next week.     

Don't forget your Resources, over here  ------------------------------------------------------------>>>

Period 3 Teams for Comedy Subgenres:

Slapstick:  Johnny & Jonathan
Screwball:  Santana & Tomas
Buddy: Iridian, Mayra & Mikaela
Spoof/Parody: Mariah & Lisa
RomCom: Pearl & Derrick
Black Comedy/Satire: Sergio & Celena 
***Val, pick any team except Screwball or Buddy Comedy

Don't forget your Resources, over here  ------------------------------------------------------------>>>

  Period 7 Teams for Adventure Subgenres:

Swashbuckler:  Ianna, Cookie & Julian
Serialized: Oscar, Liz
Historical: Alejandra, Francisco & Jason
Expedition: Laura, Mae Lee & Garrett
Treasure Hunt: Carlos, Mason & Selene
Disaster: Andrew, Austin & Kat
Strange Mysteries: Kaharie, Jesus & Cristal
Solo Journey:  (like "Life of Pi", "Snow White and the Huntsman", "The Hobbitt")  Mariah, Devon, Fernando   

Don't forget your Resources, over here  ------------------------------------------------------------>>>

Who reads the fine print?  If your class gets a GREAT review from the sub, AND you all finish your assignments today (that means everybody), the cookie fairy might....just might....visit the class on Friday.  Leave a comment with your name to earn a bonus.

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