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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Help Wanted: Extras

Hi All,
As I'm reviewing your scripts, I've noticed that each class has a scene or two that need extra "non-principal" actors; whether they be federal agents, giggling girls, or zombies.
These small parts are essential for creating atmosphere in the script, and we need your help.
Anyone who is willing to volunteer for these parts will really be helping the team out tremendously.

I'm going to ask that the 1st AD and Director submit to me a list of all "bit parts"----those roles that may or may not have speaking lines, but appear on camera---before Friday, so that we can begin to determine who will play those roles.  This is essential for our Art Department, who has to take care of all of their makeup, props and wardrobe (which requires advance planning).

Art Department and Directors:  We will be taking a trip to the Prop House on Monday, Nov. 25th at lunchtime to select Wardrobe, Props and Set Decoration items for your film.  It is crucial that all decisions for these items be made before Monday, and a master list created for each department.  This will make our work much easier when we go to the Prop House.
You will receive a Jag Absence that must be signed (including Parent Signatures) and returned to me by Friday.

We'll have a Crew Meeting on Friday to review Shooting Schedules, Locations, final Casting, Art Dept. needs, Storyboards and Camera/Lighting Setups so that everyone knows where we're headed.  Each Department Head will report out on their progress.

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