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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

4th Period is covered in AWESOME SAUCE!!!

A great big THANK YOU to the 4th Period students who showed up for work on Tuesday, Jan. 14th.  Your flexibility and professional attitude are INCREDIBLE, and I am so grateful to you for helping me with the Academy project.  This is what real professionalism is all about---the ability to quickly "shift gears" when necessary and get the job done.
Sorry we missed a day of Production because of absences, but we were able to take advantage of the opportunity, and you've saved the day for hundreds of 9th Graders.
Andrew A., Noe, Jasmine, Cody, Angelo, Dominic, Fabi, Aaron, Dakota, Justin, Serious Joe, Andrew S., Noah, Max and Alfred--- You're my heroes!!!
THANK YOU!!!!  You all get 5 pts. extra credit for the week!

--Ms. Thomas

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