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Friday, January 31, 2014

Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

It's said that, to truly understand another person, you must walk a mile in their shoes.

No, I'm not going to make you wear someone else's stinky kicks.  It's a saying, and basically it means that, in order to empathize with another person----to TRULY understand their perspective---you must share their experiences.

That's what we're going to do.
It's time to shake things up a bit with your Production.  You have a pretty good grasp of your responsibilities, but you know little about what others on your crew have to do to prepare for each day.  That's about to change.

You're going to change jobs for one week of Production.  Yes, that's right.  Change jobs.  No debate on this, it's already been decided.  You'll be trained by the person whose job you are taking over, and at the end of the week, you'll reflect on the experience and what you've learned.

Because this is so important, I am doubling the point value for the "swap" week.  The "swap" happens the week of February 10th, and training begins in the middle of next week.  You can earn 20 points for working your "swap" job, from Feb. 10th through 13th.
Refuse to participate, skip class or otherwise fail to perform your "swap" job, and you will be removed from the set, given written assignments in another teacher's classroom, and must call your parents during class for a conference.

We're doing this so you can get a better grasp of other Production Jobs, and empathize more with your co-workers.

You get to write a "Want Ad" outlining your Job, and will use that to describe your responsibilities.

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