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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Extra Credit for Extra Special Work

You have the opportunity to earn up to 10 points of Extra Credit by adding the following to your edited project.  Below each option is a direct link to a tutorial on how to do it.  I'll check your work on Monday.  Next week, you can "spend" your Extra Credit points wherever you'd like in this 6-week grading period.

Add Video Effects  (up to 3 Effects): 3 Points
I like the first 3 minutes of this Tutorial:  Applying Video Effects in Premiere

Add Transitions (up to 4 total in the Project):  4 Points
Learn Video Transitions (Dissolve, Cross-Fade, Wipe, etc.) in 90 seconds!  There's also a section on Audio Transitions too!   Applying Basic Transitions in Premiere 

Add Sound Effects  (up to 3 Effects): 3 Points
CRASH! BOOM! BANG!  CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH!! Every movie is better with the selective application of appropriate Sound Effects and Music Soundtracks.  Visit a few of my favorite sites to download free sound effects, or Google your own---but make sure to put the web address in your credits!  Don't let the sound overwhelm your dialogue---make appropriate audio adjustments.
(Note--you may have to create a free username and password to access some of these.)

Sound Effects:

Music for Soundtracks:

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