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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Friday Fun-Day!

HA!!!  Made you look.

Congrats to Period 3 for shooting their 1st scene this week!  Let's hope that Period 2 can catch up this coming Tuesday after the long weekend.

QUIZ TIME!  Yep, it's for a 10-point grade, and No, it's not optional.  Have you read the script?  If not, this is gonna hurt a little...

Highlight and copy this Classroom Code: 


Then, go to my Socrative page at

Paste the code for "Enter Teacher's Room", and use your real name to earn grade credit.  I've started the quiz remotely from the miserable conference room that I'm holed up in today for my (awful, no-fun) workshop.  Submit when you're done.  NO PEEKING! You may not look at the script to answer.

And if you skip the quiz, beware....
THIS guy's gonna show up as your screensaver every day for the rest of the semester.  I don't even have to log in to your computer to make it happen.  :)

Thanks for playing, and have a great 3-day weekend!!!

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