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Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday, January 30th

Today we'll take care of Script Study and Department Meetings.

Here's what I noticed this week:

  • Departments are not consulting Script Breakdowns that were created especially for them so that they can get organized ahead of the day's shoot.  This is causing significant delays, repeated tasks and lots of waiting around.  Failure to consult Script Breakdowns from this point forward will result in a 0 for the day.
  • Departments are not consulting the Production Binder for the plans they created ahead of time.  Trying to "wing it" and make decisions in the moment creates inconsistent, low-quality results for our movie, and creates tension on the set. Failure to consult the Production Binder from this point forward will result in a 0 for the day.
  • Individual Crew Members are wasting time at the start of class with off-task activities.  There is NO EXCUSE for having your face glued to your phone for 20 minutes, then making the ENTIRE CREW wait on you while you set up equipment and make decisions.  You would be fired from a movie or TV shoot the first time you did this.  You have the opportunity to fix this now; the next time it happens, you will receive a 0 for the day.
  • Crew (that's EVERYONE) are not reading daily Call Sheets.  From now on, if you don't know what scene we're shooting that day, or what you need to do, you will receive a 0 for the day.

So, how to we fix this?
  • Fridays are Production Planning days.  Use this time to meet with your Department, consult the Script, Production Binder Plans & Script Breakdown Sheets to gather materials, discuss your plans, review equipment and tech needs, and get prepared.
  • Use Department Meeting Time to engage in discussion about the project and clarify your responsibilities.
  • Think about what you need to do every day that you arrive to work.  Check in with your Department Head, 1st AD and Producer to see how you can help.

  • I will call names of those who need to study to retake the Script Quiz.  Those people pair up to review the script for 10 minutes with me.
  • Everyone else will move to separate locations to meet with their Departments to review the Script, Production Binder Plans & Script Breakdown Sheets to gather materials, discuss your plans, review equipment and tech needs, and get prepared for next week's shoot.
  • Those re-taking the Quiz next week will join their Departments when finished with their review.
  • ALL DEPARTMENTS  must report out to the 1st AD, Producer and Executive Producer 5 minutes before the end of class.

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